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I must apologize that you were expecting a regular comic, but got a crappy drawing instead. After reading http://www.drunkduck.com/The_KAMics/ 's series involving two Valkyries and the search for a third I felt I just had to do a sketch of them. Oh... and seeing a guy in a costume like that makes me want to poke my eyes out.

On another note, it's sad to see all the old comics you used to enjoy falling by the wayside because of one thing or another affecting the artists. I still remember the first "adult" comic I read. I no longer remember the name, but I do remember why it dropped out of sight. The artist's girlfriend found out about it. At first she tried controlling its content, then she gave him an ultimatum; give it up or he can give up seeing her again...

I plan on doing Pr0nCrest for as long as I can. It may go on long hiatus, but it'll always return as long as I keep having fun drawing it (and as long as I'm alive). Hopefully that won't be for a very long time.

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Disclaimer: This is an ADULT ONLY COMIC. If you're under the age of 18 or under the legal age in your country for viewing adult material, please leave. This comic contains very strong sexual content, and might have some violence and gore. I don't actively advertise this comic so if you find it being advertised, it's usually someone else who's doing it.
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